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Neil Flynn Files Workplace Discrimination Lawsuit Against Starbucks

London, UK - July 22, 2024: Starbucks cafe in London. Starbucks Corporation is world's largest coffeehouse chain, trading in Nasdaq stock exchange.

Horn Wright, LLP Senior Counsel Neil Flynn has filed a lawsuit against Starbucks alleging workplace discrimination and harassment.

The case, which involves a heterosexual, gender-typical male plaintiff claiming he was targeted based on perceived sexual orientation, has attracted national attention—including coverage by The Independent and a mention on Saturday Night Live’s “Weekend Update.”

In speaking with The Independent, Flynn stated that his client’s heterosexuality had been “weaponized” against him, asserting that “management was indifferent to his complaints” and that “Starbucks workers in the store and surrounding area were attempting to drive out their straight colleagues.” According to Flynn, his client has “moved on” from the company, but the experience “took a toll” on him “personally and professionally.”

The claims in this lawsuit revolve around core employment law issues such as discrimination, harassment, and hostile work environment—terms that refer to an employer or co-workers subjecting an individual to unwelcome conduct or adverse action based on a protected characteristic. While many people associate such cases with traditionally marginalized groups, the law protects all workers from discrimination, regardless of background, sexual orientation (actual or perceived), race, or other factors. Under both state and federal statutes, it is unlawful to retaliate against employees who report or oppose such treatment, and employers have a responsibility to maintain a workplace free from harassment.

By bringing this case, Neil and our team at Horn Wright, LLP, seek to underscore the fundamental principle that no one should face a hostile or discriminatory workplace, no matter their identity. As with all our employment law cases, we intend to pursue our client’s interests vigorously and ensure that justice is served. We remain committed to holding employers accountable and fighting to protect the rights of workers in every industry.

If you have questions about workplace discrimination and retaliation or would like to discuss a potential case of your own with a member of our team, we’re here to help. Call (855) 465-4622 or contact us online for a FREE and confidential consultation.
