Fort Lee Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers
Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect Lawsuits
Your elderly loved one deserves a comfortable and safe place to live while staying in a nursing home or assisted living facility. Yet, if they are like approximately 10% of all elders in such living situations, then they are at a high risk of experiencing some form of abuse or neglect each year. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) both warn that nursing home abuse is a growing problem across the country as more and more people enter a nursing home each year.
Although preventing nursing home is a difficult challenge that requires the efforts of the entire nation and government agencies, taking action to make things right after nursing home abuse occurs is something you can do with just the help of a lawyer. If your elderly loved one has been abused or neglected in a Hackensack nursing home, then you can count on Horn Wright, LLP and our nursing home abuse attorneys for reliable and compassionate representation. We can fight for your rights and the protection of your loved one as if we were representing our own families!
Dial (201) 654-0023 to request your initial case evaluation today.
What is Nursing Home Abuse?
Nursing home abuse is an intentional and harmful act inflicted upon a resident in a nursing home or assisted living center. Although physical harm might be one of the worst forms of nursing home abuse, it is certainly not the only type. Our attorneys are capable of providing comprehensive legal representation and manage your claim, no matter what sort of abuse your elderly loved one has endured.
Nursing home abuse usually takes one of these four forms:
- Physical abuse, like hitting, slapping, shoving, and tripping a resident
- Sexual abuse, like sexual assault carried out by a caretaker when left alone
- Emotional abuse, like belittling, humiliating, and socially isolating a resident
- Financial abuse, like stealing money from or exploiting a resident
What is Nursing Home Neglect?
Nursing home neglect is a largely unintentional act or inaction that causes a nursing home resident to suffer some sort of physical harm or emotional trauma. Even though neglect is not carried out intentionally, it can still be extremely harmful to the elderly resident. It is also not a reasonable excuse or defense for a nursing home to try to use.
Nursing home neglect and inadequate care can lead to:
- Malnutrition and dehydration
- Missing prescription dosages
- Bedsores and bruises
- Depression
What Damages Can You Pursue?
The first goal of a nursing home abuse case is to ensure your elderly loved one is protected from future abuse or neglect. The second goal is to be fairly compensated for the harm that has already happened. Many offenders do not realize the weight of their misdeeds or mistakes until they are financially affected by the consequences, so filing a claim in pursuit of compensation can actually help make certain the same situation does not hurt other people in the future.
The damages that might apply to your nursing home abuse claim are:
- Cost of nursing home care, including past, current, and future
- Medical treatment costs if the abuse caused physical harm
- Therapy costs if the abuse caused emotional trauma
- Damages related to your elderly loved one’s pain and suffering
It might also be possible to pursue punitive damages in your claim. When a defendant has done serious harm through egregious neglect or ill-will, a court can decide to allow punitive damages as an additional way to punish them for wrongdoing.
Please Contact Our Firm as Soon as Possible
If you are worried that your elderly loved one might be at serious risk of physical abuse, then you should call the authorities. Next or otherwise, you should call our Fort Lee nursing home abuse lawyers at (201) 654-0023. The sooner we are able to start building your case, the more valuable evidence will be, so please do not delay in reaching out to us.
Contact Horn Wright, LLP today.

What Sets Us Apart From The Rest?
Horn Wright, LLP is here to help you get the results you need with a team you can trust.
We’re a client-centered, results-oriented firm. When you work with us, you can have confidence we’ll put your best interests at the forefront of your case – it’s that simple.
No two cases are the same, and neither are their solutions. Our attorneys provide creative points of view to yield exemplary results.
We have a team of trusted and respected attorneys to ensure your case is matched with the best attorney possible.
The core of our legal practice is our commitment to obtaining justice for those who have been wronged and need a powerful voice.