Garden City Dog Bites Lawyer
Pet ownership has increased in recent years. Approximately 90.5 million families in the U.S. currently own a pet, as reported by the Insurance Information Institute (III). According to a recent survey by the American Pet Products Association, 69 million American households have at least one dog.
Any dog will bite given the right circumstances, according to the American Kennel Club (AKC). If you or your child has been bitten by a dog, you may be entitled to seek compensation for your injuries from the pet owner.
How Often Do Dogs Bite?
Dog attacks are not uncommon. Approximately 4.5 million dog bites happen every year in the U.S., as stated by the National Safety Council (NSC). Nearly one in every five of those bites becomes infected. Children are most at risk of being bitten by a dog, according to the CDC. They also have the highest risk of sustaining serious injuries in a dog attack.
Do Some Dog Breeds Bite More than Others?
Prevalence of dog bites involving a particular breed is often influenced by the popularity of that breed – increased popularity is followed by increased bite reports. Dogs are individuals. Their behavior may be affected by the treatment they receive from their owners and other factors. A peer-reviewed summary on the role of the breed in dog bite risk was prepared by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). According to this literature review, breeds most highly represented in biting incidents include:
- German Shepherd
- Mixed breed
- Pit Bull type
- Rottweiler
- Jack Russell Terrier
- Chow Chow
- Spaniel
- Collie
- Saint Bernard
- Labrador Retriever
Based on owner surveys and behavioral assessments, researchers determined that small to medium-sized breeds were more aggressive toward people, including toy breeds, spaniels, and collies.
What Are the Dog Bite Laws in New York?
New York dog bite laws combine two different legal approaches -- “strict liability” and the “one-bite rule.”
- Under strict liability laws, the dog owner is responsible for any harm caused by the dog, regardless of whether the owner knew the dog was dangerous.
- Under the one-bite rule, the dog owner is not liable the first time the dog bites, if he or she had no previous knowledge that the dog might do so.
Under New York’s mixed dog bite laws, a dog owner can be held strictly liable for any harm the dog causes if the dog already had been (or should have been) deemed dangerous; or, when a dog has not been deemed dangerous, if the injured party can prove that the owner was negligent. Examples of owner negligence may include failing to leash the dog or keep it in an enclosure.
Are There Exceptions to the Rule?
The New York statute provides exceptions to the rule on dog bites. Dogs that bite may be exempt from the law if they are:
- Police dogs doing their job
- Defending a person against assault, robbery, or another crime
- Protecting themselves or their offspring
- Subjected to pain and suffering
Seek Legal Help After a Dog Bite in Garden City
Dog bites can cause severe injuries, particularly when victims are small children. If you or your child has been injured in a serious dog attack, it is in your best interests to speak with an experienced Garden City dog bite attorney as soon as possible. At the Horn Wright, LLP, we have a reputation for excellence. Our trusted team of New York personal injury attorneys can provide creative solutions and results-driven representation.
Contact the Horn Wright, LLP at (516) 714-5975 for a Free Consultation on Your Dog Bite Claim.

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