No-Fault Civil RICO Defense

No-Fault Civil RICO Lawyers in New York and New Jersey

Representing Defendants in Civil Court

In New York and New Jersey, automobile insurance policies provide coverage for medical expenses arising from injuries sustained in car accidents. The medical benefits portion of the automobile insurance policy is known as “No-Fault” coverage, and it applies to anyone in the vehicle regardless of who is at fault for the collision. In lieu of seeking payment directly from the patient (the insured or other injured party), the medical provider accepts an assignment of benefits from the patient, which then permits the medical provider to bill the automobile insurer directly for the patient’s medical treatment. Unfortunately, notwithstanding black letter law that requires automobile insurers to treat medical providers in a non-adversarial manner, most No-Fault claims are denied.

Further, the automobile insurer will sometimes file a Fraud/Civil RICO lawsuit in yet another attempt to avoid payment of the medical provider’s claim. In filing such a lawsuit, the automobile insurer is relying on the medical provider lacking either the means or the fortitude to mount a defense to the lawsuit, or the ability to wait an extended period for payment of its claim. Unfortunately, this reliance is not misplaced, as medical providers are too often compelled to surrender their valid No-Fault claims without putting up a fight. It is in this arena that Horn Wright, LLP has battled automobile insurers for over two decades, championing the interests of underdog medical providers.

Horn Wright, LLP is one of the most trusted names in both New York and New Jersey when it comes to handling delicate and high-stakes No-Fault civil RICO lawsuits. Thanks to our vast legal experience and network of professional connections, we are the “go to” RICO defense firm. In this field, we have represented and continue to represent some of the largest medical providers in New York and New Jersey. No matter the size or discipline of your practice, guidance from our team can bolster your chances of success in defending against a No-Fault civil RICO lawsuit.

Call (855) 465-4622 now to talk with one of our New York or New Jersey No-Fault civil RICO attorneys.

Damages in No-Fault Civil RICO Cases

The RICO Act has its roots in the government’s effort to interrupt organized crime, fraudulent dealings, and money laundering. As such, RICO laws and punishments are severe. In a No-Fault civil RICO suit, the defendant can be ordered to pay triple the amount of money they are accused of obtaining fraudulently, as well as any court costs and attorney fees incurred in pursuing the case.

With so much money potentially on the line in your No-Fault civil RICO case, you are going to want to do all that you can to prevail. Failure is not an option in this realm. The first step you should take is to contact our law firm and discuss what to do next.

There is No Time to Lose – Act Now

As a defendant in a No-Fault civil RICO lawsuit, it is important to begin mounting your defense to the lawsuit sooner rather than later. The automobile insurer has a head start, as it is the insurer that initiates the action, and you can assume that they have already dedicated their vast resources in furtherance of their lawsuit before you have even received a copy of the papers. The longer you delay, the more difficult it will be for you to succeed.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to our New York and New Jersey No-Fault civil RICO attorneys by dialing (855) 465-4622. Initial consultations with our firm are FREE!

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  • Client-Focused Approach
    We’re a client-centered, results-oriented firm. When you work with us, you can have confidence we’ll put your best interests at the forefront of your case – it’s that simple.
  • Creative & Innovative Solutions

    No two cases are the same, and neither are their solutions. Our attorneys provide creative points of view to yield exemplary results.

  • Experienced Attorneys

    We have a team of trusted and respected attorneys to ensure your case is matched with the best attorney possible.

  • Driven By Justice

    The core of our legal practice is our commitment to obtaining justice for those who have been wronged and need a powerful voice.