Documenting Your Injuries and Damages After a Rochester Car Accident
If you’ve been in a Rochester car accident Horn Wright, LLP, offers more than just legal guidance. We’re here to stand by you when you need it most. As Rochester’s trusted personal injury lawyers, our attorneys have deep experience handling car accident cases and the challenges Rochester residents face. The team at Horn Wright, LLP, combines compassion with legal expertise so your voice is both heard and protected through your case.
Call us today, and experience the difference a committed Rochester-focused team can make.
Step 1: Document Your Injuries Right After the Accident
Right after an accident documenting your injuries is one of the most important things you can do to protect your personal injury case. Start first with any visible injuries. Do you have cuts, bruises, or pain in specific areas?
Take photos of these injuries right away, even if you’re still at the accident scene. Photographs in the moments after the accident will capture in detail the physical consequences of the crash. The Rochester Police Department will often take photos at the scene, so make sure to send a FOIL request for those in case they captured you in any images.
It goes without saying but get medical treatment right away. Even if you don’t think you’re seriously injured, symptoms can appear later for injuries like concussions, disc herniations, or disc bulges. Seeing a medical provider right away will document the causal link of your injuries to the car accident. If you’re not close to Strong Memorial Hospital or Rochester General Hospital, there are urgent care facilities all over Rochester where you can get treatment.
Step 2: Track Your Pain and Symptoms on a Regular Basis
Injuries and the limitations they cause change over time. What starts as mild pain can get worse in the weeks, months or even years to come. Start a pain diary as soon as you can. It sounds like a lot of work, but it’ll only take a few minutes each day and can make a huge difference in your personal injury case.
Each day write down your symptoms, what parts of your body you feel pain, how severe it is (pain scale of 1-10), and how it affects your ability to activities of daily living, work or hobbies. Take note if you have trouble sleeping, difficulty driving, and any issues you have doing physical tasks. Use simple and clear simple language.
Track side effects from any of the medications you were prescribed, or the effects of undergoing treatments. Detail the soreness and pain in the days after undergoing treatment to give substance to just how much your injuries have impacted your life.
Step 3: Documenting Medical Treatments and Appointments
Consistent medical treatments helps validate your injuries and show you’re taking steps toward recovery. Many injured car accident victims don't realize that they have a duty to mitigate their damages, which means attending and receiving medical treatment to lessen the impact of your injuries. Keep a file with all records of your treatments, from initial ER visits to follow-up appointments with specialists. Diagnostic imaging such as X-rays, MRIs, or CT scans are important as they serve as objective evidence of injuries.
Follow through with all recommended treatments and referrals from your treating medical provider. If your doctor prescribes physical therapy or a specialist, make sure you attend those appointments. Missing appointments can be used against you later in a personal injury case by arguing your injuries aren't that serious.
Step 4: Photograph the Property Damage to Your Vehicle
The damage to your vehicle and any personal items you had in the vehicle at the time of the crash are valuable in a personal injury case. Get photos of your car from all angles, including underneath, with doors open, and the trunk lid open. Include close-ups of specific damage, like a shattered windshield or crumpled hood, and wide shots to show the entire vehicle.
You’ll want to save repair estimates and bills for the vehicle even if the repairs are done later. Repair estimates provide an itemized list of all the various parts of the vehicle that were broken or damaged. If the insurance company later totals your vehicle these documents can help establish its value before the crash.
Don't forget to photograph and document any personal belongings in the vehicle that were damaged. Things like phones, laptops, or even your child's car seat can add up to a significant monetary value, so keep a list of anything lost or damaged no matter how trivial it seems.
Step 5: Photograph the Scene of the Car Accident
Taking a few moments to document the accident scene will shed light on how the accident happened. Road construction is always taking place around Rochester, so the accident scene may not look the same later when revisited. If you can take pictures at the scene of the crash, absolutely do so. Try and get pictures of where the vehicles came to a rest, skid marks, traffic control signals, and the amount of traffic on the road at the time.
Photos will help document weather conditions. It's one thing to say there was snow or rain at the time of the crash and another to show exactly what the roadway looked like. If poor lighting was a factor, replicating those conditions later later will be difficult to do with changing of sunrise and sunset times.
If you're still at the scene of the accident another great tip is to write down exactly what happened and what you remember. Something that seems obvious right now can fade in detail over time. Write down a description of the events leading to the accident, the accident itself, and any other memory that comes to mind.
Step 6: Collecting Contact Information from Witnesses
Witness statements carry a lot of weight for both the liability and damages elements of a personal injury case. If there were witnesses, ask for their information if they’re willing to share it. If for some reason they don't want to be identified, you can point them out to the responding Rochester police officer who can gather their contact information for the police report.
If you can’t reach out to witnesses directly, your car accident lawyer can assist in contacting them. A lawyer can make sure statements are accurately collected and in a way such that they’re preserved for purposes of evidence.
Step 7: Calculate Your Lost Income and Missed Time From Work
Even minor injuries will result in missed time from work. Keep track of any days you miss from work, even partial days, from your injuries or medical appointments. Write down the date, times, and the reason for missing work. Later in your case you’ll need to recall these dates and times to compile your total lost wages. Having an itemized list will help putting that together.
For long-term or permanent injuries, focus on saving anything that shows how your ability to work has changed. Doctor’s notes listing out physical limitations are evidence of how your ability to work has changed. Showing a link between your injuries and the inability to do your job builds your case.
Let Horn Wright, LLP, Guide You Through Your Rochester Car Accident
Choosing the right attorney and law firm can make the difference of whether you recover the compensation you deserve for your injuries and damages. Horn Wright, LLP, is committed to serving the Rochester community with a personalized approach and unmatched expertise in car accident cases.
Call Horn Wright, LLP, today and experience the dedication of a firm that cares about Rochester and its residents.

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